*Wedding Date 
*Groom’s Name 
*Customer’s Name 
*Select one
*Home Address 
*Phone # 
*Email Address  
*Coat size 
*Select one
*Coat In sleeve 
*Over arm 
*Leg Out seam 
*Neck measurement 
*Shirt sleeve length 
*Shoe size 


If you are a part of a wedding party that has registered with us, but you are out of town, or cannot come into the store, no problem!

Please go and visit a Formal Wear store near you and get your measurements taken by a professional, and follow the required measurements requested on our form below.

When done with being measured, fill in form provided on this page, and then click  on the "Submit"  button.

A deposit of $50 is required to process your order. Please "call us' with credit card info, for security purposes.

Please call us @ 718-225-1331 if you don't hear from us to confirm that we have received your form.

Deposits are non refundable after 24 hours.  

We accept the following payments methods.                                               

Measurement Form

*Indicates required fields